VPNBook in Linux

In this article, we are going to learn about VPN and VPNBook, and hands-on lab on installation and working with VPN in linux. 

Disclaimer: The articles provided on HackWithV is purely for informational and educational purpose only, and for those who are willing and curious to know & learn about Ethical Hacking, Security and Penetration Testing. Anytime the word "Hacking" that is used on this site shall be regarded as Ethical Hacking.

Table of Content

What is VPN?

  • VPN stands Virtual Private Network.
  • VPN is most often used by IT companies to protect sensitive data shared on the public network. 
  • It establishes a virtual point-to-point connection which allows employees in the organisation to send or receive data across public networks. 


  • VPNBook is a software that enables individuals to run VPN on their personal computer. 
  • It is a free and open-source VPN software. 
  • We can use VPNBook to hide our identity(IP address). 


  • Operating System: Linux
  • Tools: openvpn client, Firefox/Chrome. 

Step 1: Download VPNBook Bundle

Step 2:Extract the Bundle 

  • Open Download directory and extract VPNBook.com-OpenVPN-Euro1.zip

  • Open terminal and run the following commands.

  • please make that filename should match with what we downloaded before.

Step 3: Connect to VPN Server

  • Use vpnbook-euro1-tcp443.ovpn file and execute the following command. 

  • Get username and password from VPNBook website

  • After executing the above command, wait until it displays Initialization Sequence Completed message.
  • Now we can use any browser to surf the internet anonymously (to confirm, you can visit www.whatismyipaddress.com).
  • Hence we have successfully downloaded, installed and opened VPNBook in Linux. 
  • Use this tool only for legal purpose. 
If you face any problem, Let me know in the comments or you can directly reach me at hackwithv@gmail.com

Be Aware, Be Secure.

Thank You 🙏


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